Friday, March 10, 2006 |
wxfrtgzzz |
I could not believe my eyes when I saw it. My jaw hung loose at the mandibular joints. My brain fried a few synapses. I was bug-eyed, pupils fully dilated, an expression of complete incredulity smeared all over my face like so much peanut butter. Ok, I'm jumping the gun a bit. Lemme rewind to add some context to these four random sentences that would otherwise make completely no sense.
I took my granddad to the hospital. Nothing serious, nothing serious, he just had some weird thing growing on his left index finger. The orthopedic christened it a benign giant cell tumour of the synovial sheath. It makes little sense to me, and I'm supposed to be studying. hmmm...
SO anyway, after setting an appointment for the benign giant cell tumour of the synovial sheath to be removed, I asked my granddad to wait by the hospital entrance as I, as all good grandsons do, went and brought the car right to his feet. So tum te tum de dum, as I drove the car to where I had asked him to wait, the incidences described in the first four sentences took place.
My granddad, all 80-odd years old, was chatting up some white-haired, tired-looking, pyjama-wearing, probably as old as him if not older, auntie!! Probably someone's grandmom, who's grandson, like me, had asked her to wait while he dutifully brought the car round.
Yes, the patriach of the family, the oldest living Wong male this side of the universe was FLIRTING. And as my granddad got into the car, he turned back to the old lady he was talking to and jovially waved to her. She waved back. I drove off, in a half-shock, half-blur, totally speechless state, barely conscious enough to shift the gears and balance the clutch.
It was the most, and I mean THE most surreal sight I have ever seen in my short 22-going-on-23 year old life. Though I doubt I will ever see something more odd or surreal, should I ever live till I become the patriach and oldest living male of the Wong family this side of the universe (which is a scary thought by the way *shudder*). It was just... weeeiiirrrrdddddd...
Yeye (that's cantonese for father's father you uneducated uncouth monolingual barbarian aka American wahahahhaa chilling lah brudderrr...) got some skilllzz!! With a Z. Spelt that way. I've got to get down to work, a freaking lot I gotta live up to~!!!
wxfrtgzzz!!!!! |
posted by theycallmecruel @ 10:44 PM |
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