this is a coconut shell, and i am it's frog

Tuesday, August 08, 2006
While we're on the topic...
Since we're on the topic of homosexuality, check this video out. It's none-too-serious, in fact, downright nonsensical. The scene with the slide and the little girl is just PLAIN WRONG. He should wear more identity-concealing stuff besides the sunglasses though. I wonder what would have gone through his mom's mind if she saw this. That poor lady... *shakes head* Somethings a mom should never ever see.


Saw the hips? Lavi woulda been put to shame, but tim in his imcc best could out-pose him methinks.

And since I'm posting up videos, check this one out as well. This one I dedicate to all those hardcore WoW players (tim + CR + all those other ppl I've met in the wonderful world of Azeroth haha) and sincerely hope this will never happen to you, nor has this ever crossed your mind.


PWNED doesn't begin to describe it. Pathetically pwned? Still doesn't begin to describe it lolz

I wonder if he ever goes out in public anymore...

Words fail me.
posted by theycallmecruel @ 11:00 AM  
  • At 7:13 PM, Blogger Aidan said…

    The first video's SO FUNNY. And the second one is just traumatizing. =S

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